

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, our COLORE® pow­der coa­tings can also deli­ver the usu­al out­stan­ding inter­play bet­ween color and effect aes­the­tics and pro­duct func­tio­n­a­li­ty in this area. We meet the strict regu­la­ti­ons in ship­buil­ding by com­ply­ing with the Mari­ne Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve (MED) app­li­ca­ble in the EU and can con­fi­dent­ly attest to the excel­lent per­for­mance, relia­bi­li­ty and resis­tance of our pow­der coa­tings seri­es. The “MED” cer­ti­fi­ca­te, issued by the inde­pen­dent insti­tu­te RINA, is pro­of that our pow­der coa­tings seri­es ful­ly meet the requi­re­ments of the app­li­ca­ble regu­la­to­ry requi­re­ments in this high­ly deman­ding area.

We are the­re­fo­re proud to pre­sent you the com­ple­te seri­es Colo­re ® P.14 MED based on poly­es­ter as well as the seri­es Colo­re ® P.2 MED based on epo­xy-poly­es­ter. Both seri­es have a low fire sprea­ding capa­ci­ty, as requi­red by the Mari­ne Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve (MED), as well as an excel­lent per­for­mance with maxi­mum lon­ge­vi­ty of the coated pro­duct, even in cri­ti­cal applications.

Dis­co­ver our Colo­re spe­cial colors

Pro­duct Seri­es P.14 MED Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.14 MED is a homo­lo­ga­ted ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.14 MED Colo­re® seri­es are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Mari­ti­me furniture

Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothMatt10–30 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Matt31–50 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–75 GU (Gloss Units)*
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  



  • MED Appro­val Num­ber MED B MED033815CS.
  • This coa­ting pow­der meets the requi­re­ments of the EU Direc­ti­ves “Restric­tion of the use of cer­tain Hazar­dous Sub­s­tan­ces” 2002/95/CE and 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and the Mari­ne Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve (MED) 2014/90/UE and UE 2017/306.

Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging Unitserpa­ckungs­ein­hei­ten

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.2 MED Epo­xy-Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.2 is an epo­xy-poly­es­ter seri­es of pow­der coa­tings based on epo­xy and poly­es­ter resins. It is free from hea­vy metals and TGIC. After poly­me­riz­a­ti­on, the pow­der coa­ting film has good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties and good flow cha­rac­te­ris­tics, as well as effec­ti­ve resis­tance to che­mi­cals (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants…).


Indus­tri­al applications

The pro­ducts in the com­po­si­ti­on of the P.2 Colo­re® seri­es can be used for coa­ting objects for indoor use: Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Mari­ti­me furniture
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothMatt10–30 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Matt31–50 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–75 GU (Gloss Units)*
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  



  • MED Appro­val Num­ber MED B MED033815CS.
  • This coa­ting pow­der meets the requi­re­ments of the EU Direc­ti­ves “Restric­tion of the use of cer­tain Hazar­dous Sub­s­tan­ces” 2002/95/CE and 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and the Mari­ne Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve (MED) 2014/90/UE and UE 2017/306.


Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.


Pack­a­ging Unitserpa­ckungs­ein­hei­ten

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

MED Mari­ne release

Excel­lent flow and appearance

Reli­able and dura­ble protection 




More infor­ma­ti­on about our products