Heat Resistant

Heat Resistant

In case it should get a litt­le hot­ter. The P.19 seri­es con­sists of poly­es­ter and poly­an­hy­dride (PE&PA) and thus deve­lo­ps its heat resis­tance. With our P.19 pow­der coa­ting seri­es for heat-resistant app­li­ca­ti­ons up to 200°, you can pro­tect and finish your work­pie­ces.  

Typi­cal applications

  • Sto­ve & Grill  
  • Oven
  • Lamps
  • Etc.   

Dis­co­ver Our Colo­re Series

Pro­dukt­se­rie P.19 Pepa Colo­re® 

Colo­re® P.19 ist eine Duro­plast Pul­ver­lack Serie, frei von Schwer­me­tal­len und TGIC. Die Serie besitzt eine mitt­le­re Reak­ti­vi­tät. Der Pul­ver­lack­film zeich­net sich nach der Poly­me­ri­sa­ti­on durch gute mecha­ni­sche Eigen­schaf­ten und eine vali­de Bestän­dig­keit gegen Che­mi­ka­li­en (Rei­ni­gungs­mit­tel, Treib­mittel, Schmiermit­tel…) aus. Zusätz­lich gewährt sie beschich­te­ten Tei­len eine hohe ther­mi­sche Sta­bi­li­tät. 

Indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­ons 

The pro­ducts of the P.25 Colo­re® seri­es can be used for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for indoor use that requi­re anti­sta­tic pro­per­ties. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons inclu­de: 

  • Sto­ve & Grill   
  • Oven 
  • Lamps    
  • Etc. 
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothGlos­sy71–85 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–70 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

Plea­se ask for avai­la­bi­li­ty. Spe­cial colors upon request. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg. 


Plea­se note that colors with the­se pro­per­ties must be eva­lua­ted accord­ing to their hue. 


Pack­a­ging Unitserpa­ckungs­ein­hei­ten

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

High ther­mal stability

Very good che­mi­cal resistance

Envi­ron­ment­al­ly friend­ly as TGIC free and without hea­vy metals


Heat resistant


More infor­ma­ti­on about our products