

Our poly­es­ter pow­der coa­tings are of cour­se TGIC-free and for­mu­la­ted without the use of pig­ments con­tai­ning hea­vy metals. They are all GSB and / or Qua­li­coat appro­ved and are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by excel­lent wea­ther resis­tance, very good flow and very good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties. The­se pow­der coa­tings are pro­vi­ded as stan­dard with a degas­sing agent to keep the pow­der coa­ting sur­face per­me­ab­le for lon­ger on gas­sing sub­stra­tes such as die-cast parts or hot-dip gal­va­ni­zed parts and to pre­vent pin­ho­les and cra­te­ring. They are avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of RAL and spe­cial colors, as well as clear coats, in many dif­fe­rent finis­hes and gloss levels. Like­wi­se, a wide ran­ge of metal­lic and micace­ous iron ore shades are also available.

Typi­cal applications

  • Exte­rior applications
  • Alu­mi­num & steel frames
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts & accessories
  • Sports & leisu­re equipment
  • Chas­sis & Containers
  • Baff­le boards
  • Bicy­cles & Motorcycles
  • Lightin­gs
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral machinery
  • Out­door metal furniture



Dis­co­ver Our PPG Series


Poly­es­ter TGIC-free P4, P42 series


Indus­tri­al applications

ENVIROCRON® PCS pow­der coa­tings are typi­cal­ly used as follows:

  • Exte­rior applications
  • Alu­mi­num & steel frames
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts & accessories
  • Sports & leisu­re equipment
  • Chas­sis & Containers
  • Baff­le boards
  • Bicy­cles & Motorcycles
  • Lightin­gs
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral machinery
  • Out­door metal furniture


Pro­duct Availability

Coa­tingLow Cure Seri­esStan­dard Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Seri­esDura­ble Seri­esSuper Dura­ble Series

Low Gloss 60°:

15–30 GU (Gloss Units)

Upon Request✔✔✔

Medi­um Gloss 60°:

31–74 GU (Gloss Units)


High Gloss 60°:

> 75 GU (Gloss Units)

Metal­lic✔✔✔Upon Request
Rough Tex­tu­re✔✔✔Upon Request
Fine Tex­tu­re✔✔✔Upon Request
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

Spe­cial pro­per­ties 

  • Ultra dura­ble
  • Low Cure Series
  • Anti gas­ing
  • Anti scratch
  • Ultra hiding power
  • Wood effect
  • Low film thickness
  • Gas oven resistant
  • Anti yel­lowing
  • High film thickness
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • Indus­tri­al qua­li­ty, Seri­es P7 and P72


Color and metal­lic powders

All solid and metal­lic pow­ders (bond­ed and dry blen­ded) inclu­ding RAL, NCS, Clear, cus­to­mi­zed finis­hes can be for­mu­la­ted in the­se technologies.


Coa­tings and sur­face effects

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of gloss finis­hes and sur­face effects.


Pack­a­ging Unitserpa­ckungs­ein­hei­ten

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source: https://www.ppgindustrialcoatings.com/de-DE/technologies/powder-coatings

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.


Poly­es­ter TGIC-free seri­es P6

Atten­ti­on: This seri­es is for­mu­la­ted with PT 910 har­de­ner and not with Primid.

Indus­tri­al applications

ENVIROCRON® PCS pow­der coa­tings are typi­cal­ly used as follows:

  • Alu­mi­num & steel frames
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts & accessories
  • Sports & leisu­re equipment
  • Chas­sis & Containers
  • Baff­le boards
  • Bicy­cles & Motorcycles
  • Lightin­gs
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral machinery
  • Out­door metal furniture


Pro­duct Availability

Coa­tingLow Cure Seri­esStan­dard Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Seri­esDura­ble Seri­esSuper Dura­ble Series

Low Gloss 60°:

15–30 GU (Gloss Units)

Upon Request✔✔✔

Medi­um Gloss 60°:

31–74 GU (Gloss Units)


High Gloss 60°:

> 75 GU (Gloss Units)

Metal­lic✔✔✔Upon Request
Rough Tex­tu­re✔✔✔Upon Request
Fine Tex­tu­re✔✔✔Upon Request
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

Spe­cial pro­per­ties 

  • Ultra dura­ble
  • Low Cure Series
  • Anti gas­ing
  • Anti scratch
  • Ultra hiding power
  • Wood effect
  • Low film thickness
  • Gas oven resistant
  • Anti yel­lowing
  • High film thickness
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • Indus­tri­al qua­li­ty, Seri­es P7 and P72


Color and metal­lic powders

All solid and metal­lic pow­ders (bond­ed and dry blen­ded) inclu­ding RAL, NCS, Clear, cus­to­mi­zed finis­hes can be for­mu­la­ted in the­se technologies.


Coa­tings and sur­face effects

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of gloss finis­hes and sur­face effects.


Pack­a­ging Unitserpa­ckungs­ein­hei­ten

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source: https://www.ppgindustrialcoatings.com/de-DE/technologies/powder-coatings

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.

Dis­co­ver Our Colo­re Series

Pro­duct Seri­es P.6 Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.6 is a seri­es of ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resistant pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to its che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.6 Colo­re® seri­es can be used for pain­ting and pro­tec­ting metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Indus­tri­al bodywork
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Street fur­ni­tu­re
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothMatt5–10 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Matt31–50 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–70 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothGlos­sy71–95 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt 
Rough Tex­tu­reSemi Matt 
Rough Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.



As this seri­es con­tains encap­su­la­ted metal­lic pig­ments, an attack of stron­gly oxi­di­zed agents can­not be exclu­ded. It is the duty of the user to check the com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of the necessa­ry pro­per­ties and performance.


Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.11 Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.6 is a seri­es of ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resistant pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

The pro­ducts in the com­po­si­ti­on of the P.11 Colo­re® seri­es can be used to coat and pro­tect metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Indus­tri­al machinery
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Metal joi­ne­ry and metal goods
  • Doors
  • Fen­ces
  • Cam­ping and gar­den equipment/furniture
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss Level
Rough Tex­tu­reSemi Glos­sy Metallic
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt
Rough Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.


Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.12 Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.12 is a Qua­li­coat homo­lo­ga­ted ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.12 Colo­re® seri­es can be used for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Indus­tri­al bodywork
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Street fur­ni­tu­re
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothGlos­sy71–95 GU (Gloss Units)*
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.14 Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.14 is a Qua­li­coat homo­lo­ga­ted ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.14 Colo­re® seri­es are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Indus­tri­al bodywork
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Street fur­ni­tu­re
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothMatt20–30 GU (Gloss Units)*
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.14 MED Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.14 MED is a homo­lo­ga­ted ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.14 MED Colo­re® seri­es are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Mari­ti­me furniture

Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothMatt10–30 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Matt31–50 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–75 GU (Gloss Units)*
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  



  • MED Appro­val Num­ber MED B MED033815CS.
  • This coa­ting pow­der meets the requi­re­ments of the EU Direc­ti­ves “Restric­tion of the use of cer­tain Hazar­dous Sub­s­tan­ces” 2002/95/CE and 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and the Mari­ne Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve (MED) 2014/90/UE and UE 2017/306.

Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.16 Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.16 is a Qua­li­coat homo­lo­ga­ted ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lubricants …).

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.16 Colo­re® seri­es are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Indus­tri­al bodywork
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Street fur­ni­tu­re
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss Level
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.27 Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.27 is a ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting based on poly­es­ter resins pro­per­ly cata­ly­zed with GMA Acry­lic Hard­ner light-resistant pig­ments. Film obtai­ned after product’s poly­me­riz­a­ti­on owns good resis­tance fea­tures con­cer­ning both atmo­s­phe­ric agents and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lub­ri­cants …). If hig­her matt gloss levels are to be achie­ved, the use of this seri­es is stron­gly recommended.

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.27 Colo­re® seri­es, are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Fur­ni­tu­re & Street Furniture
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use
  • Kit­chen equipment
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothUltra-Matt0–5 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothUltra Matt Metallic/Multicolor 
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt Metallic/Multicolor 
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt 
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt Metallic/Multicolor 
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

Plea­se ask for avai­la­bi­li­ty. Spe­cial colors upon request. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.35 Cor­ro­si­on Pro­tec­tion Poly­es­ter Colore®

Colo­re® P.35 ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. After poly­me­riz­a­ti­on, the pow­der coa­ting film has good resis­tance pro­per­ties with respect to wea­ther con­di­ti­ons and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lub­ri­cants…). Due to its inno­va­ti­ve che­mi­cal natu­re gua­ran­tees anti­cor­ro­si­ve per­for­man­ces signi­fi­cant­ly supe­ri­or to com­pa­ra­ble poly­es­ter products.

Indus­tri­al applications

P.35 Colo­re® seri­es pro­ducts are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use whe­re high cor­ro­si­on resis­tance is requi­red. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothGlos­sy71–95 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–70 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt Metallic/Multicolor 
Rough Tex­tu­reGlos­sy 
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt 
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt Metallic/Multicolor 
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  


Color and metal­lic powders

Plea­se ask for avai­la­bi­li­ty. Spe­cial colors upon request. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

TGIC-free for­mu­la­ti­on

Qua­li­coat & GSB kon­for­me Ver­sio­nen auf Anfra­ge verfügbar

No VOC con­tent / Sol­vent free 




More infor­ma­ti­on about our products