Addi­tio­nal Products

Addi­tio­nal Products
We as Abre Tech­nik do not see our­sel­ves as a pure pow­der coa­ting dis­tri­bu­tor, but as a solu­ti­on pro­vi­der along the pro­cess chain of pow­der coa­ting. This gui­ding princip­le leads to a con­stant obser­va­ti­on and sub­se­quent­ly, a suc­ces­si­ve adap­t­ati­on to the needs of the cus­to­mers and the mar­ket. When selec­ting our part­ners, we make sure that their under­stan­ding of our values is in line with ours, so that in the end the customer’s needs always come first. In addi­ti­on to pow­der coa­tings, we have the fol­lowing com­ple­men­ta­ry pro­ducts in our pro­duct range 
Our seri­es

Dis­co­ver the seri­es rela­ted to this product


Mul­ti-metal pretre­at­ment (chro­me-free)

Pas­siva­ti­on befo­re painting

App­li­ca­ti­on by dipping or spray­ing (chro­me-free)


BRUGAL® TREAT 050 is a pas­sivat­ing agent that impro­ves adhe­si­on and has been spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped for paint pretre­at­ment. It can be used in paint lines in both spray and dip processes.

BRUGAL® TREAT 050 reacts with the metal sur­face by pas­sivat­ing it, thus impro­ving paint adhesion.

The pro­duct is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the tre­at­ment of steel and phos­pha­ted steel. Howe­ver, it is also sui­ta­ble for gal­va­ni­zed steel, zamak, alu­mi­num and their alloys.

The pre­pa­ra­ti­on is desi­gned for pain­ting sys­tems with liquid paints, paints in pow­der form and by cata­pho­re­sis. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se con­ta­ct the tech­ni­cal service.


  • Does not con­tain chromium
  • Impro­ves paint adhesion
  • Pre­vents delamination
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • No rinsing necessary
  • Com­pa­ti­ble with a wide varie­ty of liquid or pow­der paints


BRUGAL® TREAT 050 is app­lied by immer­si­on or by spray gun in baths dilu­t­ed with demi­ne­ra­li­zed or distil­led water. No rinsing is requi­red after app­li­ca­ti­on, only dry­ing, after which the pre-trea­ted pro­duct is rea­dy for painting.

The con­cen­tra­ti­on recom­men­ded for the bath is 4–6% by volu­me, depen­ding on the equip­ment and app­li­ca­ti­on system.

If you are inte­res­ted and would like fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se con­ta­ct us spe­ci­fi­cal­ly. You can also find out more at mehr hier­zu erfahren.

Glo­bal Mask® Mas­king Solutions

Mas­king Solu­ti­ons Stan­dard & Special



Glo­bal Mask® spe­cia­li­zes in the design of rub­ber parts for all types of indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­ons and uses.


Abre Technik’s pro­duct ran­ge thus con­sists of stan­dard mas­kings as well as cus­tom-made mas­kings. The stan­dard mas­kings ran­ge from sili­co­ne plugs and caps to mas­king tapes & cir­cu­lar blanks as well as hoses & plates.

If the stan­dard pro­gram does not meet your needs, we are able to offer cus­tom made mas­kings. With the­se cus­tom-built mas­kings, the deve­lo­p­ment is tailo­red to fit your exact requi­re­ments. From the most simp­le cus­tom tape mol­ds to the most com­plex cus­tom rub­ber masks. If you can pic­tu­re it, it can also be produced!



The stan­dar­di­zed pro­cess for cus­tom mol­ds here is as follows:

No.1 We ana­ly­ze your requirements

We find the stan­dard part that best fits your requi­re­ments or design a part spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for you.

No.2 We find the opti­mal material

We assist you in selec­ting the opti­mal mate­ri­al based on your func­tio­n­al and eco­no­mic specifications.

No.3 Pro­to­ty­pe design

The use of 3D tech­no­lo­gy ensu­res a lean deve­lo­p­ment process.


No.4 Pre-seri­es testing

Befo­re the pro­duc­tion and deli­very of your parts, an initi­al sam­pling takes place

- You can check the cor­rect fit of the parts in advance.


No.5 Deli­very and production

We are ser­vice ori­en­ted and gua­ran­tee maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty in production

and deli­very



Your advan­ta­ges for spe­cial parts

Cus­tom mas­king pro­ducts are desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for your pro­cess and app­li­ca­ti­on requi­re­ments. The many bene­fits of cus­tom mas­king con­tri­bu­te to hig­her and impro­ved productivity.




Pro­duct overview

Bit­te schau­en Sie sich hier­für die hier ange­häng­te Datei „Pro­dukt­über­sicht Glo­bal Mask“ an.



App­li­ca­ti­on Areas

For an over­view of the app­li­ca­ti­on are­as, plea­se refer to the atta­ched file “App­li­ca­ti­on Are­as Glo­bal Mask”. „Anwen­dungs­ge­bie­te Glo­bal Mask“ an.

Sel­emix paint sys­tem spray cans

We offer pri­ma­ri­ly wet paint on poly­ure­tha­ne or epo­xy basis for repair and touch-up. 

About Sel­emix

Sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy for every app­li­ca­ti­on — Selemix!

Wha­te­ver you need to pro­tect from envi­ron­men­tal influ­en­ces, wha­te­ver you need to give a new shi­ne, Sel­emix makes it pos­si­ble. The SELEMIX sys­tem is sui­ta­ble for all types of sur­face coa­ting, both indus­tri­al and craft. It con­sists of 17 high-qua­li­ty and con­cen­tra­ted mixing bases and a diver­se selec­tion of bin­ders. The­se com­pon­ents are used to crea­te a coa­ting sys­tem that can be adap­ted to any requi­re­ments. Par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on is paid here to eco­no­my and qua­li­ty. The fle­xi­bi­li­ty of the bin­der-mixer com­bi­na­ti­on allows a lar­ge num­ber of app­li­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties with mini­mal stock and finan­cial outlay.

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, Sel­emix® pro­ducts can be used for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Steel
  • Alu­mi­num
  • Stain­less steel
  • Wood
  • Pro­files
  • Engi­nes
  • Machi­nes
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Indus­tri­al equipment
  • Gara­ge doors
  • Bicy­cles
  • Shel­ves
  • Fur­ni­tu­re
  • etc.


For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors pos­si­ble. Plea­se con­ta­ct us direct­ly for this.

Sel­emix paint sys­tem touch up pens

We offer wet paint on poly­ure­tha­ne or epo­xy basis main­ly for repair and touch-up in com­mer­cial vehi­cle qua­li­ty. Depen­ding on your needs, the app­li­ca­ti­on is done with a touch-up pen or with a prac­ti­cal spray can.

Sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy for every app­li­ca­ti­on — Selemix!

Wha­te­ver you need to pro­tect from envi­ron­men­tal influ­en­ces, wha­te­ver you want to give a new shi­ne, Sel­emix makes it pos­si­ble. The SELEMIX sys­tem is sui­ta­ble for all types of sur­face coa­ting, both indus­tri­al and craft. It con­sists of 17 high-qua­li­ty and con­cen­tra­ted mixing bases and a diver­se selec­tion of bin­ders. The­se com­pon­ents are used to crea­te a coa­ting sys­tem that can be adap­ted to any requi­re­ments. Par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on is paid to eco­no­my and quality.

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, Sel­emix® pro­ducts can be used for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Steel
  • Alu­mi­num
  • Stain­less steel
  • Wood
  • Pro­files
  • Engi­nes
  • Machi­nes
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Indus­tri­al equipment
  • Gara­ge doors
  • Bicy­cles
  • Shel­ves
  • Fur­ni­tu­re
  • etc.


For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors pos­si­ble. Plea­se con­ta­ct us direct­ly for this.


Wet paint for the app­li­ca­ti­ons lis­ted here in quan­ti­ties bet­ween 5–10 kg can also be obtai­ned from us. For lar­ger quan­ti­ties, plea­se con­ta­ct us directly.

Heat resistant 2 K filler

Heat resistant 2 K fil­ler is a two-com­po­nent fil­ler based on sty­re­ne dis­sol­ved unsa­tu­ra­ted poly­es­ter resins. The pro­duct is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the fol­lowing properties:

  • Good dra­wa­bi­li­ty due to crea­my consistency
  • Extre­me­ly high fil­ling and sta­bi­li­ty properties
  • Extre­me­ly high elasti­ci­ty, the­re­fo­re sui­ta­ble for parts sub­ject to high vibra­ti­on stresses
  • Fast curing (15–30 minutes)
  • Easy san­ding and high abrasion
  • Very good adhe­si­on to metal (iron, steel, alu­mi­num), wood, stone and various plastics (e.g. rigid PVC, polyester)
  • High tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance and very good adhe­si­on at hig­her tem­pe­ra­tures e.g. for baking ena­mels (lay­er thic­kness max. 1mm): up to 180°C (a few hours), up to 150°C (approx. 1 day), up to 130°C (approx. 1 week), up to 100°C (con­ti­nuous exposure)
  • Resistant to water, gaso­li­ne, mine­ral oils, dilu­t­ed alka­lis and acids.


Indus­tri­al applications

  • For sub­stra­tes such as steel and aluminum.
  • Our heat-resistant ther­mo­s­pa­tu­la is main­ly used in body shops, in com­mer­cial vehi­cle con­struc­tion, in metal con­struc­tion or in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring com­pa­nies for leve­ling depres­si­ons or coar­se uneven­ness as well as for moun­ting wheel exten­si­ons. Fur­ther­mo­re, the ther­mal fil­ler is used in model making or other hob­by areas.


E‑Coat Repair Spray SPR51132-ZL Black Acry­lic Silk Gloss


SPR51132-ZL is a 1K sol­vent-based KTL repair spray with com­bi­ned tech­no­lo­gy for KTL defects and dama­ge to exis­ting KTL coatings.


Pro­duct properties

  • Sol­vent-based
  • Air or oven drying
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Excel­lent mecha­ni­cal properties
  • Easy to apply
  • Excel­lent adhe­si­on with topcoats
  • Avail­ab­le as aero­sol spray


Indus­tri­al application

  • Agri­cul­tu­ral equipment
  • Con­struc­tion equipment
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts and accessories
  • Trailors and any Spot-repair

Paint strip­per MCL-free

We offer the MCL (methy­le­ne chlo­ri­de) free paint strip­per for paint remo­val as a spray. This paint strip­per is ide­al­ly sui­ted for remo­ving a wide varie­ty of coa­tings, paints and other unwan­ted residues.

Indus­tri­al applications

for the remo­val of

  • Coa­tings of var­nish and paint based on oil nitro or syn­the­tic resins
  • Polis­hes
  • Latex and disper­si­on paints
  • Alkyd resin
  • Plastic plas­ters
  • Adhe­si­ves
  • Fil­lers
  • PU foam residues

from all com­mon sub­stra­tes such as stone, wood or metal.


Clear Coat


Test for sui­ta­bi­li­ty on an incon­spi­cuous area befo­re application.


Addi­tio­nal Products